Monday, May 12, 2014

baby shower

One night last week, my dear friends put together a little shower for baby boy and me, thoughtfully catering to my presence on the couch and lifting my spirits beyond words.

While so many people have been kind enough to visit me during the week, text or call, there are still times when I'm left feeling like my life is passing me by. This feeling is hard to describe to others for some reason. But there's just something so wonderful about having all your friends in one place. It's a party! And something I think I was craving more than I realized. 

 It was a little strange to have a gathering at the house and not prepare one thing or run around with last minute to-do's! But absolutely humbling to sit back and watch my friends transform what I've come to think of as a boring, plain room into something so lovely.

The good camera was out of commission and we did our best with a phone, but you get the idea!
Cute little hanmade banner (that I think we will use in his room!) and the most beautiful flowers cut from the gardens of a couple friends. Just look at those peonies. They came from a 100 year-old peony bush and the whole arrangement smelled heavenly. I'm still enjoying them!

I had such a great time catching up with these ladies and thankful for each of them. I cannot wait to visit outside of this house, though!

A huge thank you to all of these lovely gals (and those not present for the picture!) for helping organize such a lovely shower and for all your love and support throughout the past 2 months. Only 6 weeks left! Couldn't have gotten this far without you.

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